ali raza

C#, .Net , and my thoughts

How to get month date view between two dates in c#

Scenario I got while developing some application. I required month and year view in drop down list between contract starting and ending date. Like “March 2009” “April 2009” until march 2011 so on.

I handled it as follow

DateTime _LoopDate = “1/1/2009”;
string month = string.Empty;
DateTime _EndDate = “1/1/2011”;

while (_LoopDate <= _EndDate)
System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo d = new System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo();
month = d.MonthNames[_LoopDate.Month – 1];

drpDate.Items.Add(new ListItem(month + ” ” + _LoopDate.Year.ToString(), _LoopDate.Month.ToString() + ” ” + _LoopDate.Year.ToString()));
//drpdate is dropdownlist
_LoopDate= _LoopDate.AddMonths(1);

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